Linda and Stanley Ingram Chosen as Lake Martin Tourism Superstars
Alexander City, AL-Lake Martin Tourism Association realizes the importance of great customer service in growing visitation to the area. The Official Destination Marketing Organization of Lake Martin recognizes those individuals who are making a difference and going above and beyond for our visitors. We would like to congratulate our latest winners of the Lake Martin Tourism Superstar Award-Linda and Stanley Ingram with The Stables at Russell Crossroads. Their nomination stated “Linda and Stanley Ingram are always willing to go the extra mile to accommodate any request. They greet everyone with a smile and welcome them to The Stables. Whether you are taking a guided horseback ride, planning a wedding or rehearsal dinner, or enjoying a family wagon ride, they have suggestions and options to make every occasion memorable.” Linda and Stanley are wonderful ambassadors for tourism to our area, and they were presented with a plaque of appreciation and a $100 check on May 18th.
Link to photos of Brandy Hastings with Linda and Stanley Ingram
Contact: Brandy Hastings-Lake Martin Tourism Association Cell: 850-345-9766